From Blues Simon Group we started 2019 full of hope to face not only the challenges that the New Year brings us, but also those that we are willing to self-impose us. Our premise is to innovate, because we are convinced that without innovation, growth is a pure mirage that does not take long to vanish. And if something is clear to us, it is that, in this journey, the continuous training of all those who form the Blues Simon Group family is essential.

Since we started the Blues Simon Group adventure more than a decade ago, we have always conceived of continuous training as an investment and not as an expense; a future investment that provides multiple benefits, both from the internal and external perspective.

Only from the point of view of the workers, the development of these training activities brings with them the joy of achieving individual goals, favors equal opportunities, significantly increases job satisfaction and avoids the stagnation in their professional qualification,improving their employment situation.

The construction and decoration are fertile fields for innovation and they demand to keep abreast of the latest developments in the sector. Being aware of this, we have always fled from the high rates of turnover of personnel which, sooner or later, ends up conformed by professionals lacking of basic and integral knowledge of construction.


Planned training

Assuming the advantages that continuous training brings, not every training is good/useful. In the construction sector especially, it has been sinned for many years of not planning the training activities properly. On the contrary, it has tended to launch actions that respond to specific needs, in many cases, even with the works already started.

Therefore, an integral management of the training is required; only in that way we will really grow and the expense will become a long-term investment. As a result of this management, in Blues Simon Group we are able to detect the training needs in each specific area, based on a systematization that has been consolidated over the years.

In this way, we have been able to create specializations and training itineraries, with which the workers expand their knowledge and skills. Thus, for example, issues such as quality, the environment or energy efficiency are just some of those that have emerged in recent years and to which we are responding.

Practices such as, on the worksite not to provide training to the youngest employers, considering that it is not profitable because it is a transitory job fo them, they are banished in Blues Simon Group.

Joint responsibility

In order that the continuing training strategy to be successful and end up having an impact on an increase in the quality that reaches the client, the involvement of all the departments of the company is essential.

In Blues Simon Group we conceive this task as a joint responsibility of the worker and the rest of the company, in which the management positions must also be involved. Only in this way is a transversal bridge tended, which helps to gain fluidity in relations throughout the organization.

On the other hand, in our company we do not lose sight of the other side of the training currency: it not only brings benefits, it also means an added effort for the workers, so in this aspect it is also important to respect family conciliation.

We are convinced that 2019 will be a great year for the Blues Simon Group and its Clients, because investing in training is always improving and this inevitably leads to the growth and quality that has been our backing/endorsement for more than a decade.